PHI stands for Protected Health Information and refers to any information that can be used to identify a patient and is related to their past, present, or future physical or mental health condition, the provision of healthcare, or the payment for healthcare.
What is PHI?
By Boston Area Shredding|2023-09-10T09:33:53-04:00September 10th, 2023|Categories: Medical shredding|
About the Author: Boston Area Shredding
Founded in 2006, Neighborhood Parcel developed a reputation for excellent service at affordable prices. We became the leading document shredding center in the Boston MA area thanks to the continuos referrals and our low flat rates. Our Mission is to be a solid partner in the business community and to offer affordable shredding service alternative for residents and small businesses. One pount of personal documents or a public storage location full of medical X-rays, we have the right shredding plan to fit your needs. With rates starting 89 Cents /Lbs, you simply cannot go wrong! For reservations and Customer service, call (978)636-0301