personal document shredding

When my mom passed away, I was left with a basement full of her old mail, financial and medical files. I was overwhelmed with the amount of paper I had to deal with. Throwing it away, burning it or simply recycling it was out of question due to my concerns over Identity Theft. The volume of old files was too much for my personal shredder and I am glad to find a commercial shredding service company such as Neighborhood Parcel for all my Estate Document Shredding service need.

Monic Webber Tyngsboro MA

Estate Document Shredding Service

When your beloved family member passes, taking care of their estate often corresponds with several stages of grief. It is never an easy job. Estates in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, typically have a lot of old documents and paperwork to be sorted and shredded. It can be difficult to determine what needs to be kept, what should be given to another family member, and what can be shredded.

Shredding estate documents can be an important step in protecting personal information and ensuring privacy. Here’s how to shred estate documents using Neighborhood Parcel of Boston MA:

  1. Gather all of the estate documents that you want to shred. This may include financial documents, legal documents, and personal correspondence.
  2. Contact Neighborhood Parcel of Boston MA to schedule a shredding appointment. You can do this by visiting their website, sending them an email or giving them a call.
  3. Prepare the documents for shredding by removing any staples or paperclips, and folding them if necessary.
  4. Bring the documents to the scheduled appointment at Neighborhood Parcel of Boston MA. You can either drop them off or they will come and pick them up depending on the service you choose.
  5. Watch your documents being shredded on-site or have them shredded off-site.
  6. Once the documents have been shredded, you will receive a certificate of destruction. This certificate confirms that the documents have been securely shredded and are no longer recoverable.
  7. Keep the certificate of destruction for your records, and dispose of any remaining paper scraps responsibly.

By using Neighborhood Parcel of Boston MA for shredding your estate documents, you can be sure that your personal information is protected and disposed of securely.

Residential shredding service Boston MA

Estate Document To Keep

We suggest that you keep these documents on file and never shred them until you consult with an attorney and your accountant, the list is not all-inclusive but a good guide:

  • A Will.
  • Birth, marriage, and divorce certificates.
  • Birth certificates and/or adoption papers for minor children.
  • Social Security information.
  • Life insurance documents.
  • Current insurance paperwork.
  • Mortgages and deeds.
  • Car titles.
  • Paperwork and contact information for any agency from which the deceased may have been receiving benefits.
  • Credit card statements.
  • Tax returns from the previous two years.
  • IRAs, 401(k) plans, and mutual funds.
  • The deceased’s most recent bank statements (including those for CDs and money-market accounts)
  • Diplomas, education records, and military service records.

Avoid Identify Theft After Death

Identity theft after death is real! It has become increasingly necessary to guard against thieves desperate to steal the identity of deceased persons. This is why we recommend that you plan your estate document shredding service ahead of time and don’t leave the identity of your loved ones at risk. Neighborhood Parcel has been shredding estate documents for over a decade and has rates that won’t bankrupt your bank account. For as low as 89¢ / Lbs, we can have all your old estate documents shredded and recycled!

Our staff will show up at your doorstep and collect all of your old Estate documents, secure them in our locked bins and haul them for same-day shredding service. An invoice will be finalized for you on the spot, payment can be made via Estate Check, Credit Card, or Cash. You will then receive a certificate of destruction in the mail within a day or two. To get started, please call us at (978)636-0301 or Click here to make your reservations online.

Residential Shredding Service

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Boston Area Shredding Compliance Officer
Founded in 2006, Neighborhood Parcel developed a reputation for excellent service at affordable prices. We became the leading document shredding center in the Boston MA area thanks to the continuos referrals and our low flat rates. Our Mission is to be a solid partner in the business community and to offer affordable shredding service alternative for residents and small businesses. One pount of personal documents or a public storage location full of medical X-rays, we have the right shredding plan to fit your needs. With rates starting 89 Cents /Lbs, you simply cannot go wrong! For reservations and Customer service, call (978)636-0301